There are many reasons you may choose to send your horse to an agistment facility, be it for rehabilitation, breaking and spelling of yearlings, or foaling. You’ll want only the best quality services, right? Finding the best-suited horse agistment facility for your needs is similar to booking a stay in a five-star hotel when you take a vacation. You expect to have room service, a pool, a golf course, and a fully equipped gym. Otherwise, why would you be maxing out your credit card? Luxuries aside, there are certain requirements that horses need to maintain optimal health and performance, and these things, unfortunately, can not be overlooked.
The Importance Of Proper Care And Management
We all learned in second grade that we have four primary basic needs, including food, water, clothing, and shelter. Aside from this bare minimum, we also need exercise and healthcare. Horses have these same needs.
Proper feeding - Horses require the 3 basic macronutrients; fats, protein, and carbohydrates. Along with this, they need energy (kilojoules), vitamins, and minerals. IMPORTANT, horses are unable to regurgitate, thus making it unlikely to expel anything toxic from their system.
Water - Horses require roughly two quarts of water per one pound of hay—three to four times more in hotter temperatures for horses that are being exercised or for lactating mares.
Shelter - Comfortable, spacious shelter (at least enough to move forward, backward, and to turn around), protection from the elements.
Clothing - Rugging to keep body temperature stable and your horse comfortable.
Exercise - Horses require adequate space to roam and run unless being exercised daily. Circulation and digestion are improved with exercise.
Healthcare - Vaccinations, physiotherapy, and medical treatment.
Keeping these needs met will ensure that your horse is healthy and at optimal performance.
Broodmare Agistment
There are no special yoga poses or Lamaze breathing for your broodmare. Thankfully, mares are naturally prepared to give birth and instinctively know what to do. There is no guarantee that it will be smooth sailing, so if you do not have the facility or the know-how to assist your broodmare through her labour, it may be best to have her agisted. A team of qualified professionals can care for her through her pregnancy, delivery, ensure proper post-partum care for both mare and foal, or in the case of an emergency.
To find out more about our horse agistment services, CONTACT US today.
We all learned in second grade that we have four primary basic needs, including food, water, clothing, and shelter. Aside from this bare minimum, we also need exercise and healthcare. Horses have these same needs.
Proper feeding - Horses require the 3 basic macronutrients; fats, protein, and carbohydrates. Along with this, they need energy (kilojoules), vitamins, and minerals. IMPORTANT, horses are unable to regurgitate, thus making it unlikely to expel anything toxic from their system.
Water - Horses require roughly two quarts of water per one pound of hay—three to four times more in hotter temperatures for horses that are being exercised or for lactating mares.
Shelter - Comfortable, spacious shelter (at least enough to move forward, backward, and to turn around), protection from the elements.
Clothing - Rugging to keep body temperature stable and your horse comfortable.
Exercise - Horses require adequate space to roam and run unless being exercised daily. Circulation and digestion are improved with exercise.
Healthcare - Vaccinations, physiotherapy, and medical treatment.
Keeping these needs met will ensure that your horse is healthy and at optimal performance.
Broodmare Agistment
There are no special yoga poses or Lamaze breathing for your broodmare. Thankfully, mares are naturally prepared to give birth and instinctively know what to do. There is no guarantee that it will be smooth sailing, so if you do not have the facility or the know-how to assist your broodmare through her labour, it may be best to have her agisted. A team of qualified professionals can care for her through her pregnancy, delivery, ensure proper post-partum care for both mare and foal, or in the case of an emergency.
To find out more about our horse agistment services, CONTACT US today.